International Journal of Energy Resources Applications (IJERA)

An International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2583-6617 (Online)


         International Journal of Energy Resources Applications (IJERA) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Scholastic Scientific Publishing (SSP) two issues, one volume per year online in English language. IJERA has been started in January 2022  to publish quality research in the fields of mechanical engineering and thermal sciences, with a particular emphasis on integrated energy systems, energy planning, and energy management. The journal is also open to submissions on related subjects, such as energy efficiency, green building, biomass and bioenergy, solar energy , renewable energy,  energy storage devices and sytems, energy in buildings, and economic and policy issues, so long as these subjects fall under the broader umbrella of Energy.  Journal emphasizes on efficient and effective CFD, FEM, numerical and experimental work Submitted research articles will be reviewed by field specific editor and reviewer of the journal.

Scope of IJERA

IJERA invites original and unpublished results of theoretical, computational, conceptual and experimental work in following fields of science and technology throughout the year. 

Articles published in International Journal of Energy Resources Applications (IJERA) published by Scholastic Scientific Publishing India are Open Access under the creative commons license Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). 

Title: International Journal of Energy Resources Applications 

ISSN: 2583-6617 (online)

Starting Year: 2022, Frequency: 2 Issues per year

Language: English

Publication Mode: Online

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Nitesh Dutt

Publisher: Scholastic Scientific Publishing (SSP) India

E-mail:, (Managing Editor, Publisher, SSP india)

We strongly welcome research articles from different application areas of energy and sustainable developments for publication in IJERA.

Authors are welcome to submit quality research article for consideration in Volume 3 (Issue 2) up-to December 05, 2024. It will be available online on or before December 30, 2024.